Toronto still continues to hold on to its cigar culture. Given the elite clientele cigar shops attract, they are either found near Toronto’s financial district or in areas with solid real-estate value. Your new luxury condos at The Davies will place you close to a few cigar stores worth checking out.
Cigars have always been associated with success and wealth. They also symbolize leisure and relaxation. The use of cigars dates back to the early twentieth century when leading political and literary figures of the time, from Winston Churchill to Somerset Maugham saw cigars as an intrinsic part of their intellectual, conversation-filled lives. Mark Twain, legendary author and cigar-enthusiast, famously said, “If I cannot smoke in heaven, then I shall not go.”
Cigars fit perfectly with the prosperous and elegant Edwardian milieu. It was also the exclusivity of cigars – imported as they were from Cuba and Central America – and the delicate craft that went into their making that made cigars both expensive and desirable. Like horse carriages and gramophones, the cigar business today struggles to survive as a symbol of a glorious bygone era. Though the industry has somewhat dwindled, there remains a loyal section of cigar aficionados who care enough to keep it going.
Cigar Stores are Becoming Scarce
Cigars have always had a small but steady clientele throughout North America, with Toronto being no exception. However, recession, smoking bans and higher duties have played a part in the closure of many a vintage cigar shop in the city. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act that outlawed most designated smoking rooms and cigar lounges dampened this business.
Best Cigar Shops to Visit in Toronto
If you are lucky enough to live around these areas, you have quite a few cigar shops to choose from in Toronto. Here are some of the popular ones:
- Thomas Hindis Tobacconist: Whether you are a novice or a veteran in cigars, this four-decade old shop in Yorkville never fails to delight with its wide collection of Cuban and non-Cuban cigars, including choicest Honduran and Nicaraguan cigars. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and visitors always notice the superior customer service they find at Thomas Hindis. The store has a large walk-in humidor with cigars divided according to their geographical make. It also has a large section of related accessories like pipes, cigar humidors and hand-made pens.
- Frank Correnti Cigars: This fourth generation Cuban cigar shop located at Spadina Avenue has turned into a must-see tourist attraction in Toronto. The Miller family members who run the shop were cigar makers in their native Denmark before they moved to Toronto in the 1950s. Today, they are the only hand-rolled Cuban cigar manufacturers in Canada. For cigar lovers and visitors, the place is like stepping back in time, where they can learn about the process and history of cigar making. If you want your Cuban cigar to be hand-rolled in a certain way by a skilled tobacconist, then Frank Correnti is the place for you.
- La Casa Del Habano: La Casa Del Habano is a chic, upscale cigar shop in Yorkville with a full range of Habanos cigars. The store has a well-stocked walk-in humidor along with an impressive range of smoking-related accessories. The tastefully done up interior has elegant glass panels, a fireplace and a coffee bar. A much sought-after feature of the place is its large front patio, where customers can relax with a Habano and sip on their Cuban coffee (provided by the store), taking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant Yorkville area.
Explore Your Passion for Cigars—Check Out New Luxury Condos near Yorkville Toronto
Other popular cigar shops in the city include Metro Cigar, Casablanca Tobacconist, B. Sleuth & Statesman, La Casa de Fuma Cigars and Cigar Studio. Almost all these shops are located around premium real estate to cater to the clientele living close by. Many customers enjoy the idea of stopping by one of the cigar stores at the beginning or end of their daily walk in the area.
If you are looking at buying a luxury condo in Toronto, and also share a great passion for cigar stores, then The Davies, located in Yorkville is prime real estate to consider. Along with the exuberance of the downtown area, the place is ideal for those who want to enjoy high living. With access to the best restaurants, trendy spas, health clubs, hotels, local schools and proximity to TTC routes, The Davies has the perfect luxury condo for you.
For more details on this new condo project in Toronto, contact The Davies at 647-360-9588 and schedule your appointment or register online for more information. Check out floor plans and discuss the best options for your new home with our team.